Seeing your financial future

According to neuroscience experts, we are 1.4 times more likely to accomplish our goals when we can picture them. Out of sight, out of mind is very true. If you want to manage money better so you can reach your financial goals, creating a vision board can be incredibly helpful. A vision board depicts where you see yourself in the future. It can inspire you to develop better financial habits and to save and invest for your financial future.

If you can envision it, then you can achieve it

A financial freedom vision board visually represents financial goals and aspirations. It is essentially a collage of pictures and phrases, a picture of your hopes and dreams. You create a physical representation of where you want to be financially and what you want to accomplish.

Seeing is believing

When you can see your goals in front of you, then you are going to want to achieve them. You are going to feel much more motivated to work towards getting there. These goals can be related to any aspect of your life: career, retiring early, buying your first home or your dream house, education, travel, etc.

How can a Financial Freedom Vision Board help you?

A vision board can help with your money goals in the following ways:

1. Clarity: It can give you a reality check about the current state of your finances.

2. Motivation: Seeing your financial aspirations in a visual format can be a powerful motivator, helping to keep you focused on your goals and encouraging you to take action. It can encourage you to develop better money habits.

3. Positive reinforcement: Seeing the images and affirmations on your vision board can provide positive reinforcement, helping to build confidence in your ability to achieve your financial goals.

4. Creates a plan: It can help you identify what steps you need to take to achieve your goals and create a plan of action to make them happen.

5. Helps you stay on track: A vision board can serve as a reminder of your goals and help you stay on track when you encounter obstacles or setbacks.

What should you include on your financial freedom vision board?

It’s your vision board so it’s totally up to you. It isn’t something you’ll be publishing for everyone to see; it’s something that is meant to inspire you every day. It can include images, quotes, and affirmations related to achieving financial independence, such as saving for a down payment on a home, paying off debt, or reaching a certain level of investment income.

The first step is to reflect upon and write down your goals. You need to consider what financial goals are most important to you. As the foundation for your vision board, these goals should be very clear so that you know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and how you’ll do this.

How to make a vision board for financial freedom

1. Identify your financial goals: What do you want to achieve? Write them down and make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and within a set time frame.

2. Make a collage: Get creative and use a physical board, go digital, or even use templates and have your vision board.

3. Gather materials: Find what motivates and inspires you. You will need a poster board, magazines, glue, scissors, and any images of people, places, objects, texts, and quotes. Look through magazines and websites to find images and phrases that represent your financial goals and aspirations. You can also add emotion by adding old souvenirs or including flags ot maps of different countries you want to visit. Vision boards can also be made using vision board online apps or websites. Build one online and you can access it you’re on the go.

4. Create your layout: Arrange the images and quotes on your poster board in a way that represents your goals and is visually appealing to you.

5. Personalise your vision board: Add your own words to your vision board. Write down affirmations or mantras that will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. You can use markers, paints, stickers, quote cards, your computer, etc., to add words to those images in a way that will inspire you.

6. Revisit it: Once you’ve created your vision board, take a moment to review it. Is there anything that you want to add? Do you feel motivated?

7. Display it: The point of creating a vision board is visual inspiration of the goals you’re trying to accomplish. Therefore, your board needs to be somewhere you can see it, often. Wherever you spend the most time is exactly where your vision board should be. Put it in a place where you can see it every day, so it’ll serve as a daily reminder, such as on your bedroom wall, on the fridge or on your desk.

8. Take actions: Work towards your financial goals every day, week, or month as it aligns with your plan. Celebrate your small wins and adjust your plan accordingly.

9. Review it regularly: The idea is to imagine yourself having already accomplished or acquired the things on your board. If you see yourself as successful, you will do the work necessary to achieve it. Why not make this a daily practice so that it’s constantly at the forefront of your mind?

10. Adjust regularly: Make any necessary adjustments as your goals and aspirations change.

Use some of the suggestions to help inspire you to create your goal board and then make it your own.

An extremely valuable tool for helping you reach your financial goals

The goals you have for yourself can only be achieved when systematically planned and a highly effective way to help you do that is a vision board. A financial freedom vision board can help you envisage specific goals so you can stay motivated to work toward them. However, they are not a magic wand that will make your financial aspirations come true. The real magic happens when you take consistent action towards your goals, so get busy bringing your future to life.